
David Jamieson

The interview by Jon Faine of Jack Rush QC should be listened to by all.  It shows the difficulties and the complexities of the legal system and the world we live in today.  Matt and his family have maintained an extraordinary ability to maintain sane and positive throughout this ordeal, due to the differences in opinions of state, legalities, governments and judicial systems in foreign countries, contributions from all walks of life need to realise, innocence, honesty, and loyalty will always prevail.  The Joyce family are by no means out of the woods, a number of leading interviews and articles have been posted before, with very little reflection on the case in Dubai.  I would encourage all to contribute and fight for the right of justice, in particular for the Joyce family, but also reflect on the other families that have been exposed to a similar upheaval.

David Jamieson

John Fiocco

Until I read the article in ” The Australian” Magazine today, I was unaware of the continuing distressing situation facing Matt, Ange & their family. I came to know Matt through Ange, when she was pursuing a promising documentary film career in Western Australia and I was acting as the Lawyer to the Production Company. I was immediately struck by Matt’s warmth, sincerity, intelligence & obvious deep affection for Ange. We had many common interests and my conversations with him revealed a committed, professional & obviously ethical approach to property development. The evidence & findings of the Victorian Supreme Court are a compelling vindication the allegations against Matt are completely without foundation. In these circumstances, the Australian Government must respectfully request the UAE to reconsider its continued house arrest of Matt & allow him & his family to return to Australia without further delay.

John Fiocco LL.M Barrister & Solicitor Principal Fiocco’s Lawyers

David Rundle

Whilst I have not seen my old school friend Joycey for several years one thing I would like to say is that he is and has always been an affable man of the utmost integrity. With this quality It was no surprise to me to see him achieving great success in his chosen profession in the property industry. With this in mind it is been most alarming following his and his family’s plight in Dubai. Given I have not been in direct contact with Matt for many years it is important that he understands that his nightmarish situation does not go unnoticed by many of his old friends and acquaintances. He can rest assured knowing that upon his eventual return to Australia he will always be welcomed and not judged. The esteem in which he has always held amongst his peers will remain unquestionable One would hope that the Federal government, namely Bob Carr and Julia Gillard, recognize the travesty of Matt Joyce and his family’s predicament and make the strongest representations to the UAE to expedite his release from house arrest and allow him to return to Australia.

David Rundle

George Rounis

I had the pleasure of working with Matthew for 5 years whilst at Australand. During this period,I worked closely with Matthew and the senior executive team in my role as Acquisitions Manager, responsible for acquiring land for development by the NSW Residential Land and Housing Division. With Matthew’s support,guidance and leadership we were successful in securing numerous projects,including various Joint Venture partnerships with Government. Matthew always made himself available to assist and provide advice when required. He was inspirational in managing people and excelled in establishing key business relationships. As an individual I have always found Matthew to be professional, courteous and friendly. He deserves the opportunity to clear his name bring his family back home.

George Rounis